Tracoe Experc Dilation Set

The Tracoe Solution for Percutaneous Tracheostomy

The Tracoe Experc Dilation Set uses the Ciaglia method of percutaneous dilation tracheostomy, which is considered the state-of-the-art technique of care in the ICU.1 The Experc Set includes all necessary components to create a tracheostoma at the bedside, without the need to move a critically ill patient thus reducing potential risk of patient deterioration.

Tracoe Experc Dilation Set

The Tracoe Experc Dilation Set, containing all parts necessary to perform a percutaneous dilation tracheostomy based on the Ciaglia technique.


1. Safety scalpel

2. Syringe

3. Puncture needle (14 G) with Teflon catheter

4. Seldinger guide wire made of kink-resistant Nitinol with inserter

5. Short dilator (14 Ch/Fr)

6. Guiding catheter with safety stop

7. Tracoe Experc dilator with hydrophilic coating (slides easily after moistening)

8. Four compresses

Tracoe Experc set (PDT) with numbers

Percutaneous dilation tracheostomy procedure
Explained step-by-step

Discover the step-by-step process for a percutaneous dilation tracheostomy (PDT) using the Tracoe Experc Dilation Set. This easy-to-follow animation simplifies the procedure for medical professionals and students alike.

Download step-by-step guide
Percutanous Dilation Tracheostomy Procedure Explained Step-by-Step

Minimally traumatic tube placement with P-tubes

The distinctive feature of the Tracoe P-tubes is the minimally traumatic placement of the tracheostomy tube after percutaneous dilation tracheostomy. The tracheostomy tubes are supplied already mounted on their minimally traumatic insertion systems (P-tubes).

There is a foldable silicone sleeve at the tip of the inserter or insertion system to smoothly bridge the gap in diameter between the inserter and the end of the tube. They are supplied already pre-mounted on the respective minimally traumatic inserter or insertion system, which are adapted to the specific tube size, shape, and length. The P-tubes, which are available separately, can be used, in combination with a Seldinger guide wire for reinsertion or tube replacement.

Detailed photo of the Tracoe Experc silicone sleeve.

Tracoe Twist Plus P-tube with minimally traumatic insertion system

The inner cannula of the Tracoe Twist Plus P-tube is already in place which saves one step in the process and therefore time. The ventilation circuit can be attached directly onto the 15 mm connector of the inner cannula after the tube placement.

The insertion system for Tracoe Twist Plus consists of two parts: the white guiding catheter with silicone sleeve and the green inserter. Once the tube is in the trachea, the colored inserter, the white guiding catheter with the silicone sleeve, and the Seldinger guide wire are removed together as a single unit. The silicone sleeve flaps back and the unit can be removed.

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Step-by-Step: Minimally Traumatic Tube Placement of a Tracoe Twist Plus P-tube

Tracoe Twist P-tube with minimally traumatic inserter

The minimally traumatic inserter with a foldable silicone sleeve at its tip, is characterized by a fit tailored to the respective tube and a stopper at the proximal end of the tube. Once the tube is in the trachea, the inserter is pulled out of the tube. The silicone sleeve flaps back so that the inserter can be removed.

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Step-by-Step: Minimally Traumatic Tube Placement of a Tracoe Twist P-tube

Tracoe Vario P-tube with minimally traumatic insertion system

The insertion system for Vario and Vario XL consists of two parts: the white guiding catheter with silicone sleeve and orange inserter. Once the tube is in the trachea, the colored inserter, the white guiding catheter with the silicone sleeve, and the Seldinger guide wire are removed together as a single unit. The silicone sleeve flaps back and the unit can be removed.

Download Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step: Minimally Traumatic Tube Placement of a Tracoe Vario P-tube

Tracoe Experc Sets

The Tracoe Experc product line offers the possibility of ordering the dilation set alone or as a set including a P-tube from the Twist, Twist Plus, Vario and Vario XL product lines.

Dilation set for percutaneous dilation based on Ciaglia technique.

  • Can be used alone or together with the Tracoe P-tube most appropriate for the patient.
  • In sterile package

Tracoe Experc Set Twist

A set that combines the Tracoe Experc Dilation Set (REF 520) with a P-tube from the Twist product line.

  • 4 different types of Twist tracheostomy tube with various features:
    cuffed, cuffed with fenestration, Extract, Extract with fenestration
  • Each variant available in 3 sizes
  • P-tube pre-mounted on inserter
  • Separately sterile packaged

Learn more about Tracoe Twist

Tracoe Experc Set Twist Plus

A set that combines the Tracoe Experc Dilation Set (REF 520) with a P-tube from the Twist Plus product line.

  • 4 different types of Twist Plus tracheostomy tube with various features: cuffes, cuffed with fenestration, Extract, Extract with fenestration
  • Each variant available in 4 sizes
  • P-tube pre-mounted on insertion system
  • Separatley sterile packed
  • Inner cannula already in place

Learn more about Tracoe Twist Plus

Tracoe Experc Set Vario / Vario XL

A set that combines the Tracoe Experc Dilation Set (REF 520) with a P-tube from the Vario or Vario XL product line.

  • 3 different types of Vario tracheostomy tube with various features in standard length and extra-long: cuffed with spiral-reinforcement, cuffed, Extract
  • Each variant available in 2 or 3 sizes
  • P-tube pre-mounted on insertion system
  • Separately sterile packaged

Learn more about Tracoe Vario

Learn more about the Tracoe experc dilation set

1 Sanabria A (2014). Which percutaneous tracheostomy method is better? A systematic review. Respir Care, 59(11):1660-70.
